Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/17/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly  |      ^      -       |    ~          ^    |                 ^    
              | Heck, even being as | And yet I'm missing|     ~       -=-  _,-,
 If you don't | minimalistic as I   |something. Something| You need          `"~
 know what you| am, I notice the    | essential actually.|a scapegoat  ~        
  want, you   | world is full       |  But I just don't  |because you    Yes,   
won't get what| of useless   Such as|  know what it is!  | ran out of  that must
  you need.   | knick-knack!  ASCII | I need.. I need... |  ideas!       be it. 
              |     °.       comics?|      °.            |     `    };{    ´    
 I don't want |     ¸»«¸         ´  |       ¸»«¸   };{   |             ¸»«¸     
  to need to  |     $²¬,       };{  |       .`²$         |      ¸))    .'²$     
  know what I |    ß).(  `Shut      |       _).(         |     ¸('i    _).(     
    get! `    |    \[>_>   up!      |      o)|\ \        | ¸»=-´(^´   o> /]     
         };{  |     ¦º)             |    _  ¯¦=)ó        |  )/-\|      òí=)     
 by           |     |_\  .        . |  °  `./|_\   .     |  || ||     . |_\ .   
    Jürgen    |   °'--¹    -        |      `-^=´.     -  |  '` '` ´    '--¹     
      Wallner | ^   '    »    .  °  | `  *kick*   .     '|.   '    .  »   '   ° 