Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/20/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly.  `. `'.             .'´`'´  `.| .'´  `'.              `:'´ ¸ `'. .
           | : 'Is it true  ~   Yeah, I've :| So, at least   Sure, otherwise  : 
 Scandal   |´Jürgen recently   heard he got |´ it wasn't    it would have been`.
           | discovered  he     pretty wide-|`the degree     a rather blank .·. 
I confess  | used non-standard  eyed when .'| sign, right?    stare, don't : ' `
 to have   |: characters in     he finally .|.'    `            you think? `·¸..
  sinned*  |`.¸¸our strip?       noticed! : |                      ´    `·..:   
 against   |'¸,.   `                ´ ': : '|     /ì   .                   _¸`·.
ISO 8859-1 |:´      };{       \.«¸    -.`:.:|    / |  /|         \          `":·
    `      |:"`   _           /'¸\}     `: :|   ( °|«/°|          \»><«        `
   ¸»*«¸   |:   _(°)          `´\ \}_   ¸:'.|    \_(ö).'          /X¯"\}        
   ³','³   |¸æ (° (°) -  ,    - (  ( )~« :(°|   í¯`77~¯)          i '/ \}       
   _)`(_   |(`«,`,-«_¸»_  ¸ '   /|¯¯\| . :->|   |°/H|°/           | /|  ß}      
by/ `"´ \  |´¯  ¯ -     `"»,  . \|^ /|  ( o |   |/  |/            `^ |  ?'._¸.¸ 
 (Jürgen_) | -     _    -   `~«_ '  `'   '»_|   ´   '               /    `'`·´ `
  ¯|Wallner|   __   :.:   __ -  `» °  o  °  |´¯`. ¸.-.¸             \       ¸   

* Reversed comma and apostrophe of the fixedsys-font are not part of the standard, new versions of Opera rightfully refuse to display them. I'm going to remove them from previous strips.