Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/24/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly        ^       -= |                       [                        
        |     I was quite      |                 _¸.-.,[    __________________  
Drawing | shocked when I found |  Easy - I        `~^"-[   /                 /| 
 as a   | out that, although WE| designed a  -=-       [  |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|| 
Therapy | are immortal, Jürgen | tombstone         ~   [  | If the old chump || 
        | certainly isn't. But |  for him!             [  | would have been  || 
 ~      | concentrating on     |     `                 [  | immortal like us || 
        | drawing helped       |                       [  | we wouldn't      || 
     };{| me to cope           |      ¸ ¸ /  \ ¸ ¸     [  | be stuck  ` \«¸  || 
   _    |  with it!      How?  |     »|X«/    \»X|«    [  | here!  };{ .``}¸ || 
  (")   |   ` ¸»/     \«¸´     |    {%"~Z\    /N~"ß}   [  |             ¯\ & || 
_<(^)7__|    ¸{´´,   .´'}¸     |   ,§´ - -    ¬ ¬ `&,  [  |  J. Wallner  (   || 
 ¯¯"¯¯  |    % /`     ¯\ &     |  ,{/ \  |    |  / \}¸ [  |     1972 - xxxx  || 
by      |´~(¯_ )       ( _¯)~` |¸»(´  /^-´    `-^\  `)«[  |__________________|/ 
  Jürgen|. |> |)    .  <( (|   |`"´  (`     Just´stop being morbid!             
   Wallner ` .`` '      ´.´´ ' |    . )          (     [                        