Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/24/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly       |                     |              |                       
                   | Well, where's the   |   __  *      |                       
  Discontent       | unexpected twists,  |  //))        |     NOW it has one.   
                   | the action, the fun?| //¯_ _    *  |              \        
 You know, recently| I mean, when was the| ¯ ////       |  You're      /        
 I'm really        | last time the strip |  ((//__      |  pissed,  Slightly.   
 missing a   What? | had a good    ..    |   ¯¯//)) *   |  right?     \         
 lot in our   `    | punch line?   ´`    | *  ////__    |   /\ ` /\    ` sG&ç,  
  comic!     ¸»«¸  |      ´       ¸»«¸   |    ¯ ¯// ¯   |  (o )»/ o)     ¬ ¬³9  
    `        .`²$  |    )ï(       .'²$   |      ((__ _  )¸  \_''}_/     (^¸ /³  
     };{     _).(  |               ).(   |       ¯//// (  -  °<^a>-¸   ¸,) (¸   
     _      o> /]  |     _        /[_]   |   *   //7/_  )`   (o\\\o|  / ¸`"' `. 
   _(°)      òí=)  |   _(°)      °`¦º)   |       ¯ ¯//  |     \|^^\| <_|   -> / 
  (°^(°)   .  |_\  |. (° (^)    .  |_|   |          ¯   |      '   `  (}.¸¸(¯)  
 by`Jürgen   '--¹  |   `"~´  -    '--¹  '|         °  * |              |    T   
 °   Wallner ^  » °| °    ^   o   ^  » ° |      *       |              | Ì  |   